Silenced Knowledge and Its Status in Educational Environments - Chosen Theoretical Perspectives

Ewa Stanisława Bielska


Introduction: The topic of analysis is socio-cultural practices of silencing and the status of unwanted and denied knowledge in the curriculum structure. Paradigmaticallly analyses are enrooted in the new sociology of education. In the structure of the paper there are distinguished three parts: the first one is focused on the chosen practices of silencing components of common knowledge, the topic of the second part is silencing the contents related to the socio-cultural trauma, the third one is related to the status of silenced contents in the structure of power.

Research Aim: The analysis aims to emphasise the main theoretical perspectives and net of notions characteristic for the studies on silenced knowledge as well as indicating the views of applying theoretical matrices in identifying spaces of silencing in the curriculum.

Evidence-based Facts: Studies on silencing processes are enrooted in the new sociology of education paradigm. They correspond with the research related to educational inequalities (of access to schools and chances of academic success) experienced by youth representing different identity features (related to ethnicity, gender, position in the stratification structure). In the studies characteristic for the new sociology of education, research was also focused on the characteristics of content transmitted in the curriculum. Realised since 70s, research has been related to discursive practices stimulating students’ educational activity or discouraging them from academic success. Mentioned issues correspond with the sociology of knowledge, collective memory and socio-cultural trauma.

Summary: In the studies focused on the problems of silencing it is justified to consider theoretical matrices and nets of notions characteristic for the studies on collective memory, resistance, socio-cultural trauma. Mentioned components help identify practices of silencing the content and identities. They have application in the process of comprehension of the basis and aetiology of silencing strategies.


collective memory, collective amnesia, silencing, socio-cultural trauma, curriculum.

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Date of publication: 2022-04-19 10:31:28
Date of submission: 2021-12-29 23:59:34


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