Potential and Actuall Significanance of Montessori Learning Environment

Beata Zuzanna Bednarczuk


Introduction: It is important that people who want to perform their duties in a global and uncertain reality are prepared for changes. Therefore, education can play a significant role in supporting the development of active, competent citizens. The superior task of the contemporary school is to provide an educational environment which would be a source of various experiences with the material, social and cultural world (Todd et al. 2019). The model solution in this regard is offered by the school environment organized according to Maria Montessori’s pedagogical principles. The guiding standard for such an environment is support of the individual’s potential. This is also the key rule on which the lifelong learning paradigm is based (Fleming, 2021).

Research Aim: The aim of the paper is to evidence that the Montessori environment favors the development of skills necessary for lifelong learning and to verify empirically the affective significances of the educational experiences of Montessori school graduates.

Method: In order to discover the emotional significance of school experiences, the partly modified Hermans’s Confrontation With Yourself method was applied (Hermans, Hermans-Jansen, 2000).

Results: The educational experiences of Montessori school graduates are characterized by one type of emotional climate – strength and union (+HH) – in which the fulfilment of both basic motives of  human behavior (of self-enhancement and contact with others) evokes positive feelings.

Conclusion: Montessori school former pupils possess intra- and interpersonal skills, necessary in lifelong learning. The Montessori model of education supports the development of the ability to harmonize one’s interests with the goals of other people as well as personal and social responsibility.


Montessori education, lifelong learning, Montessori school graduates

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/lrp.2023.42.4.113-130
Date of publication: 2024-02-14 11:56:38
Date of submission: 2023-11-03 16:28:03


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