High School Students’ Achievement Motivation in the Context of the End of the Covid-19 Pandemic – Contrasting the Past and the Present

Robert Opora, Katarzyna Nawrocka


Introduction: The article is empirical in nature. Achievement motivation plays a significant role in human life and in defined as the need to carry out activities to raise standards. It is influenced by needs and values and is related of the type of factors that motivate an individual to act in order to achieve a goal.
Research aim: The aim of the research is to learn about the changes taking place during the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of achievement motivation in a group of high school students.
Method: The research is quantitative. In order to answer the formulated research questions, the standardised Achievement Motivation Inventory by H. Schuler, G.C. Thomton, A. Frintrup was used, and M. Prochaska in the Polish version. The area of its application is research on personality and motivation, referring to motivational problems.
Results: The pandemic had a significant impact on changing the level of motivation for. The young people’s achievements as a result of distance education, limitation of direct contacts and cessation or limitation of certain activities. Research has shown that the pandemic period and the associated deprivation were important for some aspects of achievement motivation.
Conclusion: People who experienced an increase in motivation at the end of the pandemic were characterised by a higher level of achievement motivation before the pandemic compared to people who had a lower level of achievement motivation at the end of the pandemic.


motivation of achievements, high pupils, pandemic COVID-19

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/lrp.2024.43.2.7-29
Date of publication: 2024-09-05 10:36:28
Date of submission: 2024-01-18 14:45:00


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