Being Like Others - Reconstructing the Experiences of a Woman on the Autism Spectrum

Danuta Urbaniak-Zając, Magdalena Głowala


Introduction: According to the idea of neurodiversity, autism is an expression of biodiversity. It is widely believed to occur more often among boys than girls. According to women on the spectrum, their rarer diagnosis is, on the one hand, a consequence of diagnostic criteria that are inadequate for the female autism profile, and on the other hand, the influence of socio-cultural factors: the socialisation and upbringing of girls causes them to a greater extent to be submissive and compliant, to meet imposed expectations. As a result, they acquire the ability to hide, to mask their symptoms of autism, and this behaviour often blocks their development.
Research Aim: The cognitive aim of the study was to reconstruct the behaviour of women on the autism spectrum in order to hide their symptoms of being non-neurotypical in everyday social interactions. The practical aim was to “give voice” to women on the spectrum, because usually this “voice” is silenced by professionals that “know better”, are more “objective”.
Method: The research technique used in the study was the narrative interview (in the F. Schütze’s version). It was interpreted using the methodological guidelines of objective hermeneutics. This paper presents an in-depth interpretation of one of the 7 interviews with women on the autism spectrum (volunteer-targeted research sampling was used). Reconstructing patterns of action required revealing latent meanings.
Results: Three masking behaviours were reconstructed: the study participant’s exact imitation of her friend’s behaviour; seeking to gain a profound knowledge of the circumstances of a future social encounter in as much detail as possible; engaging in self-harming behaviour that nevertheless allows one to explain one’s own behaviour in a socially acceptable way, while covering up the real reasons for it. During the interview an important issue that was not planned came to
light, namely the circumstances under which the masking was abandoned.
Conclusion: Masking behaviour of autism symptoms blocks the individual development of women on the spectrum. It is worthwhile to devote further research to identifying the circumstances that promote the resignation of masking.


masking autism, women on the spectrum, qualitative research; interpretation

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Date of publication: 2024-09-05 10:36:44
Date of submission: 2024-01-30 10:11:55


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