School readiness of 5-year-old children to start their mathematical education

Urszula Oszwa, Edyta Gajownik


The problem of school readiness of Polish children takes up lots of space in social debates. This has been associated with big changes in the national curriculum, and lowering the school start threshold. It is the first time that going to school at the age of 6 will be made compulsory in September 2014. It seems to be very important to assess the school readiness of 5-year-old children from the perspective of primary school beginning at the age of 6. There was an attempt in the research to answer the question whether 5-year-old children were ready to start their mathematical school education. Their level of mathematical competences was assessed using the Scale LPC6 (Oszwa 2005). It consisted of 3 parts and 36 items, referring to the ability to use numbers, to be oriented in time and in space. The subjects were 5-year-olds in the target group (n=30) and 6-year-olds in the control group (n=30). The attained results did not indicate relevant statistical differences between two groups of subjects. The level of mathematical competences of 5-year-old children was equally high as that one of 6-year-old subjects. The obtained data permit a conclusion that the assessed 5-year-old subjects were ready to start their mathematical education at school.


school readiness; mathematical education

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Date of publication: 2015-09-25 09:11:55
Date of submission: 2015-09-03 10:42:54


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