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Issue Title
Vol 45, No 2 (2021): Common Spaces in Discourses (Guest Editors: Dorota Kaczmarek & Joanna Pędzisz) „"Es gibt gute Menschen, die hier leben, und es gibt schlechte Menschen“. Linguistic Practices for the Constitution of Discourse Communities using the Example of the Migration Discourse Abstract   PDF (Deutsch)
Hanna Völker, Constanze Spieß
Vol 37 (2013) „Homo neurobiologicus“: Die neurowissenschaftlichen Erklärungsversuche des Gehirn-Geist-Problems und ihre methodischen Konsequenzen für die Glottodidaktik Abstract   PDF (Deutsch)
Barbara Sadownik
Vol 46, No 1 (2022): Voices of Otherness in Francophone Literature (Guest Editors: Olga Kulagina & Anna Maziarczyk) „Letters de Galice“ by Prosper-Henri Devos, A Journey Towards the Other, a Search for Oneself. Analysis of a Journey of a Book and its Translation Abstract   PDF (Français (France))
Maria Obdulia Luis Gamallo
Vol 43, No 1 (2019): Literature, politics, economy: similarities and interferences (Guest Editors: Anna Maziarczyk & Jolanta Rachwalska von Rejchwald) „Manuel de survie à l’usage des incapables” of Thomas Gunzig: Orwellian dystopia in Belgian Abstract   PDF (Français (France))
Alicja Ślusarska
Vol 45, No 2 (2021): Common Spaces in Discourses (Guest Editors: Dorota Kaczmarek & Joanna Pędzisz) „We will go through this TOGETHER!“ Notes on Vulnerability and Compulsive Resilience Vaudeville in Political COVID-19 Illness Narratives Abstract   PDF (Deutsch)
Silvia Bonacchi, Ingo H. Warnke
Vol 42, No 3 (2018): Water in Belgian Francophone literature (1830-2017) (Guest Editor: Renata Bizek-Tatara) « Vous êtes des poissons ». Homo aquaticus de Paul Willems Abstract
Renata Jakubczuk
Vol 39, No 1 (2015) 14 Jeana Echenoza: war novel and pathos Abstract   PDF (Français (France))
Dominique Faria
Vol 45, No 2 (2021): Common Spaces in Discourses (Guest Editors: Dorota Kaczmarek & Joanna Pędzisz) 80 Years After – Ways to a common German-Polish Culture of Remembrance? Abstract   PDF
Waldemar Czachur, Heinz-Helmut Lüger
Vol 37 (2013) A Brief Comment on Intertextuality in Two Poems by Ronald Stuart Thomas Abstract   PDF
Przemysław Michalski
Vol 46, No 3 (2022): Beyond Language: Intermediality and Multimodality in Literature and Literary Studies (Guest Editors: Dominika Bugno-Narecka, Heidrun Führer & Miriam de Paiva Vieira) A Cluster of Mirrors: Constructing Artemisia Gentileschi across the Media Abstract   PDF
Elaine Carolina Pinto
Vol 47, No 1 (2023): Language, Cognition and Socio-Physical Experience (Guest Editor: Anna Dąbrowska. Honorary Editor: Ronald W. Langacker) A Corpus-based Conceptual Metaphor Analysis of Collocation: Focus on a Tunisian President’s Speech Abstract
Mouna Ben Ghanem, Maya Khemlani David, Ameer Ali
Vol 44, No 1 (2020): Traduire les émotions / Translating Emotions (Guest Editors: Anna Krzyżanowska & Raluca-Nicoleta Balaţchi) A Descriptive Analysis of Expressive Conversational Formulas in French and their Arabic Equivalents Abstract   PDF (Français (France))
Najwa Gharbi
Vol 44, No 2 (2020): Formal Intersections between Narrative Fiction and Other Media (Guest Editors: Grzegorz Maziarczyk & Wojciech Drąg) "A galaxy of signifiers”: David Clark’s "88 Constellations" for Wittgenstein as a Paradigm of the Barthesian Writerly/Plural Text Abstract   PDF
Wojciech Drąg
Vol 48, No 1 (2024): Cultural Landscapes of East Central Europe in Travel Prose (Guest Editor: Anna Pastuszka) A Journey to ‚German Prague‘. Gertrud Fussenegger’s Travelogue 'Bohemian Enchantments' ["Böhmische Verzauberungen", 1944] Abstract   PDF (Deutsch)
Christopher Meid
Vol 46, No 4 (2022): Travel narratives. Anabase and catabase from Romanticism (Guest Editors: Carlota Vicens-Pujol & Jolanta Rachwalska von Rejchwald) A Man of the Archipelagos. "L'Eté grec" [The Greek Sommer] by Jacques Lacarrière Abstract   PDF (Français (France))
Philippe Antoine
Vol 41, No 2 (2017) A story about oneself and modernism Abstract   PDF (Français (France))
Sara Seid Mohammadi
Vol 41, No 1 (2017): Lenses on English Literature and Teaching English (Guest Editors: Ferit Kilickaya & Mustafa Zeki Cirakli) A Study of Suffering and Martyrdom in Islamic Ta'ziya and Christian Passion Plays Abstract   PDF
Ammar Shamil Al-Khafaji
Vol 47, No 3 (2023): Foreign Language Learning and Teaching in Pandemic and Non-Pandemic Times (Guest Editors: Marek Krawiec, Ferit Kılıçkaya & Tomasz Róg) Academic Achievement of Foreign Language Undergraduate Students during Pandemic Times Abstract   PDF
Gabriel Sánchez-Sánchez, Eduardo Encabo-Fernández
Vol 44, No 1 (2020): Traduire les émotions / Translating Emotions (Guest Editors: Anna Krzyżanowska & Raluca-Nicoleta Balaţchi) Actancial Structures and Discursive Profiles of the Combinations of Emotion Verbs in French and Arabic Abstract   PDF (Français (France))
Safa Zouaidi
Vol 47, No 3 (2023): Foreign Language Learning and Teaching in Pandemic and Non-Pandemic Times (Guest Editors: Marek Krawiec, Ferit Kılıçkaya & Tomasz Róg) Advanced EFL Students’ Practices in Formal and Informal Language Learning Settings: An Exploratory Study of Learner Agency Abstract   PDF
Halina Chodkiewicz
Vol 42, No 4 (2018): French phraseology: sense, co-text, and context (Guest Editors: Salah Mejri & Anna Krzyżanowska) Affective pragmatemes – definition and semantic properties Abstract   PDF (Français (France))
Najwa Gharbi
Vol 44, No 4 (2020): Geocritical Readings of Literature over the Centuries (Guest Editors: Loubna Achheb & Anna Maziarczyk) Africa and the Awakening of the Senses in “L’Africain” by J. M. G. Le Clézio Abstract   PDF (Français (France))
Natalia Nielipowicz
Vol 48, No 2 (2024): America in Crisis? Literary and Cultural Representations of American Crises (Guest Editors: Ewa Antoszek & Małgorzata Rutkowska) AIDS Postmemory in the 21st Century: Rethinking the HIV Crisis Today Abstract   PDF
Toni R. Juncosa
Vol 44, No 3 (2020): Las múltiples facetas de la lingüística actual en los estudios hispánicos / The Different Sides of Contemporary Linguistics in Hispanic Studies (Guest Editor: Beata Brzozowska-Zburzyńska) Algunas observaciones sobre las colocaciones en el lenguaje jurídico español / A Few Comments on Spanish Legal Collocations Abstract   PDF (Spanish)
Verónica Del Valle Cacela
Vol 48, No 2 (2024): America in Crisis? Literary and Cultural Representations of American Crises (Guest Editors: Ewa Antoszek & Małgorzata Rutkowska) All Because You Matter – Manifestations of Black Struggle and Resilience in Black Lives Matter Children’s Picturebooks Abstract   PDF
Ewa Klęczaj-Siara
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