The Białystok Stages of the Life and Creative Work of Masiej Sednev

Halina Tvaranowich


The paper discusses two essential Białystok-based stages in the life and creative work of Masiej Sednev, one of the most talented representatives of Belarusian emigration literature, and a Nobel Prize nominee. Forced to leave Soviet Belarus for the West, he worked as a proof-reader in a Belarusian newspaper „The New Road”, issued in Bialystok, from October 1943 to May 1944. In 1991 Bialystok notebook was published in „Niva”, the weekly newspaper of the Belarusians in Poland, where he shares the memories about this stage of his life. Since 1998 a close cooperation began between M. Sednev and the magazine „Termopile”, issued by the Belarusian literary association in Poland. The paper analyzes Bialystok notebook and the works by M. Sednev, printed in „Termopile”, furthermore, attention is drawn to the publications dedicated to the memory of the writer.


Belarusian migration literature; prose of Masiej Sednev; Bialystok stage; connection with the Fatherland; „The new road”; „Niva”; "Termopile”


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Date of publication: 2016-12-22 13:50:42
Date of submission: 2016-05-31 21:57:29


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