Historical Evolution of the Categories Familiar/Other/Stranger/Enemy in the Belarusian Perception of Poles over the Last Two Hundred Years

Ryszard Radzik


This paper is devoted to the evolution of the sense of strangeness in the Belarusian perception of Poles over the last two hundred years. It addresses issues which have now become valid for both nations, particularly since Belarus gained independence. The concepts underlying their mutual perception have an impact on relations between the two states and societies. The aim of this article is to identify the reasons for changes in the following categories: familiar (swój), other (inny), stranger (obcy) and enemy (wróg). The study is based on the assumption that the key factors underlying the Belarusian perception of Poles (considering the history of Belarus and the culture of her people) include religion (Russian Orthodoxy dominant among Belarusians vs Roman Catholicism), the asymmetry of social structure (Belarusians perceived as peasants vs Poles perceived as landlords) and Sovietness (dominating in the twentieth century). The relations in focus are analysed as a historical process and discussed with regard to three consecutive periods: the period of Partitions, the Soviet Union (and the Second Polish Republic) as well as independent Belarus. The study is based on the results of sociological surveys and a literature review including analytical studies of Belarusian folklore, descriptions of mutual relations as viewed by their participants and observers in the past and today. The analysis confirms the role of the factors mentioned above and reveals certain new elements, which are, however, of rather secondary importance. The class-driven image of the Pole as a ‘landlord’ has become weaker particularly since the 1970s, but it still persists in people’s mentality. At the same time, the last two decades saw the historically conditioned sense of proximity in gradual decline, particularly among the younger generation. The two societies are drifting further apart as a result of their decision to become associated with two different cultures: the Russian-dominated Community of Independent States and the European Union.


Belarusians, Poles, familiar, other, stranger, enemy

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/sb.2019.13.129-146
Date of publication: 2019-12-30 00:00:00
Date of submission: 2018-12-01 14:48:51


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