Developing Transferable Competences of Students - the Self-determination Theory and Challenges of Future Education

Tomasz Knopik, Urszula Oszwa


Introduction: In contemporary education systems around the world, there is a shift from learning of the knowledge to education focused on acquiring skills that are useful in everyday life and that can be used in a variety of out-of-school settings. These are transferable skills. As such contemporary system, the Polish education also should focus on teaching the strategies for implementing the core curriculum thus to enable the students to develop their transferable resources and skills.

Research Aim: The aim of the article is to redefine the goals of Polish education in the light of the assumptions of the concept of self-determination. This theory describes the optimal conditions for the development of intrinsic motivation. The authors of the article place transferable competences of students at the centre of the education and upbringing process.

Evidence-based Facts: The described functions of education, based on the current legal acts are focused on supporting students in coping with life problems in addition to referring to the cognitive sphere. In theory, thus the legal foundation of Polish education is quite well prepared for the implementation of the idea of developing transferable skills. The difficulty lies in developing effective strategies for these provisions. Such example solutions are provided in the article.

Summary: In addition to analyses relating to specific provisions of the education law, the article contains examples of good practices presenting the ways of using the content of the core curriculum to develop students' knowledge and their transferable competences in parallel.


transferable skills, self-determination theory, education, intrinsic motivation

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Date of publication: 2022-04-19 10:31:35
Date of submission: 2020-11-15 23:11:13


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