Social support in the perception of mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders experiencing their husband’s migration

Anna Monika Gagat-Matuła


Summary: The main aim of this study was to determine social support in the perception of mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders who experience their husband's economic migration. An important goal was also to show the differences in between the perceived social support in among mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders who experience their husband's migration, and those whose husbands do not go abroad for work.

The research involved 94 mothers raising children with autism spectrum disorders, 46 women whose husbands migrate (A) and 48 women who do not experience their husbands' migration (B). The sample selection was deliberate. The Polish adaptation by E. Szlachta of the ISEL questionnaire (The Interpersonal Support Evaluation List) was used to achieve the goals, as accompanied by a self-made questionnaire.

Analysis of the data on perceived social support showed statistically significant differences in the studied groups both in the overall result and across all scales. The results indicate that while mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders whose husbands go abroad are in a better financial situation, the absence and lack of active participation and support of the husband in caring for the child makes them feel there is less social support (scale of cognitive support, belonging, self-esteem), and they cope with problems much worse than women whose husbands do not go abroad. The results are statistically significant


social support, mother, autism spectrum disorder, migration

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UNICEF 2020, Children "Left Behind", UNICEF Working Paper, (dostęp: 10.11.2020)

Date of publication: 2021-07-08 10:34:11
Date of submission: 2020-12-21 17:18:05


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