Student Resources in the Context of Contemporary Labor Market Challenges

Ewa Sarzyńska-Mazurek



In the modern world professional work of students is considered as a norm. It brings with it various consequences. The announced COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to changing the situation of students on the labor market. The remote education system has made it difficult to develop the competencies required in the labor market.

Research Aim

The aim of the research was to diagnose selected student resources in the context of labor market needs. The resources analyzed were: students' self-assessment and their experiences related to professional work and attitudes towards work.


A diagnostic survey was used in the study. The tools used were the SES Self-Esteem Scale M. Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale in the Polish adaptation of I. Dzwonkowska, K. Lachowicz-Tabaczek and M. Łaguna and a questionnaire of own design. The study was conducted using an online survey via an Internet platform. The selection of respondents was done using the snowball method.


The respondents were 151 full-time students in the social sciences. They have diverse resources in terms of preparation for employment. The respondents are dominated by people with average and high self-esteem. Most students have work experience. Just over half currently hold a job. Students are mostly positive about working conditions. The main motives for taking a job are financial considerations and the desire to gain work experience. According to the respondents, the pandemic period has limited their chances in the labor market. The respondents perceive work as a value. They can be called cautious optimists in their approach to their professional future.


Student paid work provides an opportunity to acquire skills expected by employers. However, it should be remembered that it is supposed to be a form that supports development and not compete with studies. It is beneficial when the work of students, at least to some extent, is consistent with the studied major.


student, professional work, self-esteem, work experience, attitudes toward work, resources

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Date of publication: 2021-11-23 10:35:55
Date of submission: 2021-06-14 21:11:02


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