The Social Climate of the Classroom in the Context of the Diagnosis of the Needs of Students in the Field of School Prevention

Justyna Joanna Kusztal, Małgorzata Piasecka, Katarzyna Czaczuń


Introduction: The article presents the results of a diagnostic study covering the needs of fourth-class students at Kraków primary schools in the field of school prevention. Conducting preventive activities in schools and educational institutions is a statutory obligation, and the conditions impacting such activities lie in many areas, such as the adopted concept of prevention, school procedures, legal conditions, and the local system of prevention, and in the existing social climate in the school classroom. The study of the strengths and weaknesses of the social climate of the class is an important element of the diagnosis of the class, which is a necessary condition, defined by law, for the design, implementation, and evaluation of the educational-preventive program of the school and educational institution.

Research Aim: The purpose of the study was to diagnose the social climate of the classroom directed at formulating guidelines and recommendations for conducting an educational and preventive program in the school classroom.

Method: The research method was analysis of the products of the subjects with the help of the “draw-write” diagnostic technique developed by Woynarowska and Woynarowska-Sołdan.

Results: The results of the research include the strengths and weaknesses of the social climate most often indicated by students allowing us to identify the priority problems of the class, which can be risk factors for risky behaviour, and help us to design adequate preventive measures.

Conclusions: Findings from the survey indicate that the strengths of the social climate of the classroom indicated by students are elements of the classroom/school environment, most often material objects, well associated by students with classroom games, spending time together and having fun, while less often students indicated relationships with classmates and teachers. Among weaknesses, students most often cited negatively assessed student behaviour during breaks and in class. The priority problem in all the classes surveyed was aggressive behaviour by students, in verbal and physical forms, resulting from low communication skills and ignorance of the rules of group behaviour and cooperation.


prevention, prevention needs, social climate of the classroom, diagnosis, students

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Date of publication: 2023-08-28 15:04:39
Date of submission: 2023-05-22 12:14:38


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Copyright (c) 2023 Justyna Joanna Kusztal, Małgorzata Piasecka, Katarzyna Czaczuń

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