Narcissistic Rivalry and Difficulties in Psychosocial Functioning of Young Adults

Justyna Kurtyka-Chałas


Introduction: Narcissism is a phenomenon that relates to both healthy and proper human functioning as well as to the area of psychopathology. This phenomenon is perceived in many different planes and perspectives. The article adopts the understanding of narcissism in the NARC model – Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Concept.

Research Aim: The aim of the research was to check how narcissism (as defined by the NARC model), in the form of competition and admiration strategies, is associated with difficulties in psychosocial functioning and behavior of young adults.

Method: The following study used: the NARQ-PL questionnaire in the Polish adaptation of Rogoz et al. (2016) and a questionnaire of their own authorship.

Results: The obtained research results and statistical analyzes confirm that there is a relationship between narcissistic rivalry and selected behavioral difficulties in young adults.

Conclusions: The presented research results are a strong premise for in-depth research on the relationship between individual dimensions of narcissism and behavioral difficulties in young adult Poles.


narcissism, narcissistic rivalry, narcissistic admiration, behavioral difficulties, young adults

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Date of publication: 2023-11-30 15:08:38
Date of submission: 2023-07-10 10:58:11


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