Parents and Teachers in the Process of Functional Assessment - on the Example of Adaptive Skills of Children and Adolescents with Hearing Impairment

Katarzyna Ita Bieńkowska, Ewa Zyśk


Introduction: Functional assessment is an important factor for audiological and medical evaluation of children and adolescents with hearing impairment.

Research Aim: The purpose of the research is to present the new position of teachers and parents in the functional assessment process on the basis of the procedure and results of the study of adaptive behavior of 70 children and adolescents with prelingual hearing impairment.

Method: The research was done on the basis of observation of children and adolescents by their parents and teachers, using the ABAS-3 tool.

Results: Comparison of the results of the parents' and teachers' observations (especially statistically significant differences in these observations) indicates the need for multifaceted assessment of student functioning by different people, both parents and teachers.

Conclusions: The results provide important recommendations for analyzing the sources of differences in assessing the functioning of children and adolescents and for preparing parents and teachers to participate in the functional assessment process.


functional assessment, adaptive behaviors, ABAS-3, parent, teacher

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Date of publication: 2024-09-05 10:36:40
Date of submission: 2023-09-22 22:16:51


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