Some Conditions for Adult Educational Activity

Janusz Piotr Tomiło


The low rate of adult educational activity, observed for years, prompts reflection on the causes of this phenomenon - making a diagnosis that could become a canvas for actions aimed at eliminating these causes.

The article focuses on the attempt to show the determinants of educational activity of adults.

Two types of factors were considered to play a significant role here related to the sense of security: personal, work or educational and related to the cultural capital of the individual

The sense of security is identified through the prism of the state of the security environment, status and social situation as well as the competences of the individual and a sense of control over one's life and fate, as well as the personality of an adult.

The state of the security environment has been shown in a social perspective through an increasing poverty zone, social stratification and polarization, marginalization and social exclusion, as well as discriminatory forms of employment, violating labor rights and decreasing natural growth, forcing employees to extend the employment period, especially in the situation of increasing inefficiency social security system.

It was proposed to look at the educational activity of adults through the prism of the dominance of the needs of the labor market, but also the longer life of Polish women.

In contrast, the importance of cultural capital is manifested in social stratification: in post-communist societies, the acquisition of cultural capital is seen as a way to social advancement, because social stratification is not determined by inherited capital as well as objectified.

In this situation, institutionalized capital is the most important, mainly in the form of formal education confirmed by university diplomas.

The promotion path formed in the People's Republic of Poland, embedded in education, was based on antinomy: physical labor versus intellectual work, the latter of which ennobled.

Obtaining education, preferably higher, was a substitute for ennoblement based on the so-called old money or a professional position built over generations.


adult education; sense of security; cultural capital; adult educational activity

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Date of publication: 2019-12-28 00:00:00
Date of submission: 2017-05-29 11:22:40


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