The axiological contexts of resocialization education

Kazimierz Pierzchała


The purpose of the article is to present the basic axiological issues of resocialization contexts. The method used is: material development and critical edition. Rehabilitation is an unprecedented process in society, because it not only allows for maintaining a specific balance between adjusted and socially maladjusted persons, but also hinders the total destruction of a human being that can cause a long stay in a penitentiary institution. The proces of resocialisation is undoubtedly a hope that the system of justice is not only a soulless tool directed at socially maladjusted individuals, but it will also shape appropriate scales of values and norms in these people.


axiology, social maladjustment, resocialization, criminal, foster child, resocialization education


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Date of publication: 2020-06-03 13:24:44
Date of submission: 2018-11-09 13:58:20


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